Superfoods happiness

Mood swings, irritability, lack of energy, insomnia...Do not wait to act on it. Discover how your diet can afffect your mood and help you smile again.

Mood swings, irritability, lack of energy, insomnia...Do not wait to act on it. Discover how your diet can afffect your mood and help you smile again.

This book features 20 superfoods to lift your mood and over 50 recipes using these fabulous foods: Banana and Green Tea Smoothie, Asparagus Soup, Sardines and Spinach Niçoise Salad, Beet Chips, Salom Loaf with Vegetables and Herbs, Portoguese Clam, Walnut Lentil Patti and more.

Spécifications des produits
Auteur Marise Charron, Dt.P. et Elizabeth Cerqueira, Dt.P.
Série 21 jours de menus
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